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Joe Dulmage

Joe Dulmage photo Joe Dulmage
  • Purple Belt

Joe Dulmage is the Owner and Head Instructor of Gracie Jiu Jitsu Pineland, dedicated to creating an environment where students become more self-confident in their ability to protect themselves and others. Before immersing himself in the world of Jiu-Jitsu, Joe's foundation in grappling and self-defense was laid through his upbringing in wrestling and a 20+ year career in the US Army Special Forces. Joe's transition into Gracie Jiu-Jitsu was more than a personal pursuit; it became a mission to empower those around him. Drawn to Gracie University for its structured curriculum, emphasis on safety, and proven efficacy in real-life altercations, Joe found the ideal platform to share his wealth of knowledge and skills. In 2022, he took a significant step in his journey by attending the Gracie Instructor Certification Program at Gracie Headquarters in Torrance, California, solidifying his commitment to excellence in teaching. Training at Gracie Headquarters opened his eyes to an entirely new way to train Jiu-Jitsu and self-defense—one that is fun, cooperative, suitable for everyone regardless of size and athletic ability, and it’s ego-free. Currently holding a two-stripe blue belt rank, Joe continues his Jiu-Jitsu journey by progressing under the Gracie University system and training under Black Belt Sunny Yu at Gracie Jiu Jitsu Durham. As an instructor, his goal is to positively impact lives and the community by drawing on his unique background to build self-confidence through Gracie Jiu Jitsu. Joe lives in Pinehurst with his wife Karen and their two boys, Cayden and Kellan, and their dog Bailee.